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Welcome to our magazine!
We believe that the world is full of interesting stories and inspiring perspectives ready to be told. Perspectives on how we love, live, and work. Are you ready to join us?
We are an online global experimental magazine. What offer a variety of perspectives on all aspects of life. From how we stay healthy, to successful relationships and what our views are on the best way to work.
We have background articles, slow news and stories. We also have a mixture of random life perspectives, videos and audio interviews. None of the content in our online magazine is particularly time sensitive and can be visited at any time.
Above all: There is no right or wrong. There are no conclusions or standpoints, there are no ‘truths’ or sides to be taken. There are just a variety of points of view and fresh perspectives on life. We are not here to tell you anything. It’s all up to you what you do with the content we offer you.
Sample perspectives of our magazine
Let’s look at a few sample perspectives of our magazine.
In our technological, digital world, we don’t have to get up early to have a productive day. Yet getting up early still carries the stigma of laziness. After all, the world is set for an early start. A world with different starting times in schools and companies can never exist. A world in which we can all function optimally in harmony with our own biological clock and be healthier? Totally unrealistic. Right?
Turns out, such a world is not only possible, it already exists. Camilla Kring from B-Society in Denmark tells Perspective Living all about it. Be careful though, because you may want to change your perspective quite a bit afterwards. You might want to sleep in (and be more productive) tomorrow!
Speaking of the working world. Today, most of us have some idea about the effect of our past family experiences on our current social interactions. About how these experiences from when we were young cause us to react to certain people and situations today. Reactions that we are usually not aware of. But what if we also had that awareness at work? We spoke to Dr Niloo Dardashti about the power of understanding our ‘family dynamics’ at work. How it can improve our work, and how it doesn’t have to be complicated. Dr Niloo Dardashti is on a mission so check it out here.
Do you see people from an older generation as most of us (in the West) do? That they (and we ourselves when we reach that age), are forgetful and vulnerable? We proudly present to you a story about Rosie. This unique lady is onto us, with our stereotypical ideas about what it means to be ‘old’. Check it out here and surprise yourself!
And speaking of growing older. Have you ever considered that our stereotypical ideas about age can affect our own health as we grow older? And that such self-fulfilling perspectives can also be reversed? Check out our article that asks this question: Can we age better if we expect better?
And many more perspectives
Do you consider yourself more of a scientific person than a spiritual person, or the other way around? In other words, in one camp or the other? Most of us do. But are the two approaches really that different? And when we choose one camp, do we close ourselves off to other points of view? Here at Perspective Living, we took the idea of synchronicity versus coincidence and talked to a few experts with different approaches. It’s up to you what you make of it!
And speaking of being open to different approaches without jumping to conclusions… be sure to watch our magical video about Light Orbs. In our interview, Daniëlle tells Perspective Living that there is more to life than meets the eye. That during our walk in nature there are not only trees, butterflies and flowers around us. But also small colourful creatures that speak to us. That we can not see them with our eyes, but that they sometimes show up in a photo. What you do with her story is up to you. One thing’s for sure, we hope that instead of thinking about whether it is true or not, you will be open to possibilities. And above all: that you simply enjoy the video.
Finally, let’s think about love. Love, love, love. It’s everything, right? After all, without love, we can’t survive. But there’s one storyline that’s pretty persistent, don’t you think? The one that in life, we need to find a partner. To complete ourselves. To make our lives worth living. No matter our background, age, culture, or country, it’s our all-encompassing story. Time to explore a few different perspectives on being single versus in a relationship?
Timeless News
Don’t forget to check out our Slow News. And remember that our news is timeless: it’s not newsworthy or important because of the date. It’s important because of the perspective! So feel free to check out the items posted earlier in time, they’re just as relevant.
Take for example the general perspective on long-distance travel: this must be done by plane. Because we are proud to present you a different perspective. It’s about a story that appeared in newspapers all over the world. As it was a 50.000-kilometres journey… completed almost entirely without an airplane. In our news story about it, Dr. Gianluca Grimalda, a social scientist who completed the trip, tells us his views on travel. Watch out, his story shows that travelling in different ways can offer such rewarding experiences that you may never want to fly again! And don’t forget to watch the video documentary about this scientist’s unique journey. In our post you will find a preview of it especially for our readers.
We all have perspectives!
We all have our own perspectives on life. They come from when we were young. We pick them up from life around us and the culture and times we live in. We have ideas about how to stay healthy, the best way to express our opinions, and what types of dishes are good or not. All of these views influence our approach to daily life. But it can be very liberating to look at life from a few different angles. Because even if we are not aware of our perspectives, they are still the boss! Wouldn’t it be good to know? Or just to enjoy hearing some fresh thinking and ideas?
We hope you enjoy this magazine. Please get in touch with any questions you have or ideas you would like to discuss. Check out our ways to connect and contribute with your perspectives here.
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