Surrendering: Dr. Kim D’Eramo on mind body healing, instead of fighting ill health
When it comes to poor health, we have to ‘fight it’. Sometimes this can help. But a growing number of health experts are taking a different approach. Here talks Dr. Kim D’Eramo with us about our own innate mind body healing. That there is power in surrender. And that by doing this, we can help our body’s own healing ability instead of hindering it.
Image courtesy of Pexels, Cottonbro Studio
Health is changing and Dr. Kim D’Eramo is one of an increasing number of experts who believe that our in mind body healing. That our thoughts affect our health, and that our bodies are vibrational energy and can heal from within. And that the mind body healing connection is vital. Plus, that we can do things to help that process, not stand in its way. But such realisations often happen only after a personal journey with health. As was the case for Dr. D’Eramo herself.
The fight against poor health
Dr. D’Eramo was already aware at a young age how her thoughts affected her life. But it was after she became chronically ill, that she saw how they play a role in our health. It was a story many of us know about. We get chronically sick, and we get stuck into a ‘I must-get-better’ mode. We spend hour after hour researching our health issues, and visit one medical professionals after another. We undergo many tests, followed by lots of supplements. We change our diet and our lifestyle. We must fight our poor health. But often….nothing seems to work. Or, things improve, but not for long.
It’s bigger than me
Around the time that Dr. D’Eramo was pursuing her professional health training, she began to realise something herself. Something that was completely new to her. That everything she did to combat this poor health, was making her life worse than the chronic illness itself. “Nothing I had done made a difference. It seemed the “disease” was bigger than me and would take over my life,” she writes on her site. There was something else she realised. That the view that ill-health is something that we need to fight, was keeping things the way there were.
“Nothing I had done made a difference. It seemed the disease was bigger than me and would take over my life”
Mind body healing
It was from then on that she started to wonder something else. Whether the answer to all of it was something bigger than her. Something she herself had not opened up to yet. So, she shifted her perspective from constant battle mode to being open to things come to her. And to accept that she had no idea how to approach any of this. Not even as a medically-trained person herself.
The notion of surrender in health and allowing mind body healing to happen is not a general one. But Dr. D’Eramo explained explained: “The nervous system is constantly sending messages to every cell in the body. Do we clamp down into fear when we feel pain or fatigue? Or do we relax and allow the body’s healing response to take over? Do we soften, go within and listen? So that we become aware of how we can support our own mind body healing mechanism?”
“This does need our participation, though,” she added. “When we resist the process, this [nervous] system is interrupted and suppressed. How can we support our innate mind body healing? We must surrender and listen, rather than react and resist.”
“The nervous system is constantly sending messages to every cell in the body. Do we clamp down into fear when we feel pain or fatigue? Or do we relax and allow the body’s healing response to take over?
A shift in focus
Returning to Dr. D’Eramo’s own health story: It was after she has shifted her focus that her body began to heal. She went from doing, resisting and fighting to surrendering and receiving. It was about learning to connect with the body, she explained. It was also about realising that our inner battle with being sick can make things worse. The result in Dr. D’Eramo’s case? No more pain, no more fever, no more need for medicine, no more chronically tired, no more autoimmune disease.
Too good to be true?
Sounds too good to be true (an old perspective that many of us have?). Well, says Dr. D’Eramo, surrender can be effective when it comes to our health. “Our relationship with our body and its symptoms is the greatest determinant of whether we live in health or dis-ease. Our inner communication system of thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives has been shown to have a powerful effect on our body’s chemistry,” she explained.
“So, when we have a symptom,” she continued, “we can either react with fear and tension, clamping down into fight-or-flight. Or we can relax to let the body’s intelligence process the information so that we respond from wisdom. It is our inner wisdom that has the capacity to re-balance the body back to health. This is the body’s innate healing in action,” she continued. “You are primarily a vibrational being, not a physical one. So you can let go of the idea that you are limited.”
“Our inner communication system of thoughts, beliefs, and perspectives has been shown to have a powerful effect on our body’s chemistry.”
Editorial note: Please note this article does not serve as medical advice, nor as an alternative to seeking medical support. It is aimed as a perspective to be pondered on.
Mind body healing: I saw it on a hospital monitor
One day, Dr. Kim D’Eramo seen the effect of mind body healing on a hospital monitor where she was working as a physician. It was after Dr. D’Eramo used a session of ‘energy tapping’ on a client with chest pains.
Energy tapping is a mind body healing method. It’s when we tap on parts of the body related to energy pathways. And whilst we verbalise certain emotions and issues we are dealing with. That way, say people that use the method, we can free ourselves of negative emotions in the body. And from poor health as a result.
“What we did was to release the physical, mental, and emotional energies linked to the patient’s symptoms,” Dr. D’Eramo told us. “We tuned into her chest pain and tapped. Then tears flowed. We tapped on the emotions arising of fear and abandonment, then more tears came, and breathing improved.”
“Then a final round to welcome all of these suppressed emotions and awareness,” she contined. “By now, her chest pain was completely resolved, and she was well. After the process, blood pressure and oxygen levels had all returned to normal.”

About our interviewee
Dr. Kim D’Eramo is a physician, author of MindBody Toolkit and founder of the American Institute of MindBody Medicine. She has been trained at the Osteopathic Medical school and has also worked as a Board-Certified Emergency Medicine Physician. D’Eramo‘s own empathetic skills and her energy sensitivity have helped her attune to the health of her patients. These skills have also helped her find out what was perpetuating her patients’ ill-health. Watch Dr Kim D’Eramo here about MindBody Medicine.
“Miraculous healing doesn’t go against science. It just goes beyond science as we have understood it.”
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