“One family dog ​​please.” Does dog breed really predict behaviour?

Three puppies in a basket

The popular idea is that we can choose a dog breed with a particular character or temperament. For example a ‘family dog’. But a study is now challenging such stereotypes. It shows that our dog’s character has more to do with the kind of life we ​​give it, than it has to do with its breed.

Is the breed of a dog an accurate way to predict its personality? As dog owners, we pretty much all say it does. That we can get a dog with a specific temperament for our specific needs. Recent research is showing us a different perspective.

Rather than relying on genes, potential dog owners may need to consider other factors, it states. Such as the type of environment they have to offer. Because following a thorough investiation among dogs and dog owners, it came to light that a dog’s breed has hardly anything to do with its individual behaviour. 

“Rather than relying on genes, potential dog owners may need to consider other factors. Such as the type of environment they have to offer their dog.”

Pit Bulls and German Shepherds are dangerous

Most of us would get out of the way of a Pit Bull or German Shepherd, whether we know the animal or not. Right? It’s the general way of thinking. There are other perspectives out there though, points of view that make us aware of this kind of thinking.

Take an article in The Atlantic called ‘People Can’t Give Up a Fundamental Myth About Dog Breeds.’ It points out that our perspective on breed and character is present in almost every interaction people have about dogs.

Psychology Today is another publication that puts the spotlight on this perspective we have as dog owners. The author calls it nothing but an old habit. And that our breed stereotyping is actually a prejudice against one kind of living being over another. That we can recognise it as a form of racism. Authors such as these also point to the high number of “ten-best-dogs-for-families” type articles, which perpetuate this way of thinking.

Other publications also devote editorial space to how the link between dog breed and character has no scientific basis. Take an article on The Humane Society. It states that “dangerous” Pit Bulls are among the most misunderstood dogs in the world. The article further asserts that a Pit Bull is not actually a breed. Plus, that environmental factors cause aggression, not a particular breed or type of dog. It also reminds us that Pit Bulls can be just a easily trained, loving and sweet as any other dog. And that all dogs, including these types of dogs, are individuals.

Over in China, similar thoughts are put out into the open by the South China Morning Post (SCMP). It too writes that every puppy is an individual, and that our popular stereotypes are not supported by science.

“While dog breed is a poor predictor of behaviour, its rather mythical connection is widespread.”

Are we projecting?

Some say that research such as this also has the power to make us ask questions. For example, could it be that we are projecting? We already know our dogs are sensitive to how their human owners feel, and that they often mimic it. Might the same be happening when we expect our dogs to be a certain way? This is something that Popular Science writes for instance.

Or has the way our dog turns out to be, more to do with us and the kind of life we give it, than it has to do with them? This is something the popular Mexican American Cesar Millan reflects on in his Better Human Better Dog TV show.

Popular narrative

All in all, the researchers’ advice is that a breed should not be used to make decisions regarding the selection of a dog. But while breeds are a poor predictor of behaviour, it remains a popular narrative that many vets and dog trainers continue to base their behavioural advice on. It seems our connection between dog breed and character is widespread. Can this ever change?

“By telling ourselves this story over and over again, could we be projecting it on our dogs?”

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