About life: The ”elderly” lady with the caravan and the magic shed
There are people who have their own unique vision of what it means to grow older. I was lucky enough to meet one of them. This is a story about a one-of-a-kind neighbour. A lady who is onto you. You, with all your stereotypes about life and the elderly! This is the story about Rosie.
Superstition in Italy: An old way of seeing life still very much alive today
Superstition is not something everyone believes in. But in Italy this perspective on life is as normal as the sun rising. It is one in which history, religion, death and mystery all happily merge into one. Here, new author Ingrid Everts-van Wouderberg from Rome lifts the veil on this age-old way of seeing life.
There’s space for everything: The meaning of happiness in Japan
Different religious perspectives, life, death, and the afterlife: There’s room for everything in the Japanese perspective on happiness. Above all, says Japan expert Carmen Rucci from Italy, there is room for joy. And so, this is Carmen’s story.