Because life’s too short to see it from one perspective.


Hey little human, what are you doing in that tree?

For centuries we have been fascinated by art and how it imitates life. They say it started with cave paintings. With all those images of people and animals, which reflected an image of life at that time. So who could have known that in the meantime someone else has been imitating us! None other than nature. Hey little person, it seems to say: what are you doing in that tree?

Daniëlle’s Journey: Encountering Light Orbs in the Woods

When we enjoy a walk in the woods, we can see trees, shrubs, a bird, and maybe a butterfly. But is there more, even though we are not aware of it? In our video, Daniëlle Langendijk gives Perspective Living a spiritual perspective on the occurrence of light orbs. Says Daniëlle, they are all around us. Our tip for watching this video: Don’t expect anything. Prepare to be amazed!

Synchronicity or coincidence: Should we believe in one or the other?

Sometimes something in our daily life catches our attention, because it seems eerily related to our own experiences. For some, this is synchronicity, a sign. For others, it’s just a coincidence. Can we go beyond being one or the other? Should the two approaches be opposed to each other? We talk to four different experts on the meaning of synchronicity in our lives.

Mysterious light orbs in Texas and Australia: A supernatural perspective.

Mysterious light orbs have been sighted from all over the world for generations. Take the famous erratic dancing Min Min lights in the Australian outback. Or the Marfa Lights in the middle of nowhere in Texas, USA. Some people try to explain them scientifically, others like to keep things mysterious. Some also give them a supernatural meaning. But if orbs were something supernatural, what would be the cause?

Superstition in Italy: An old way of seeing life still very much alive today

Superstition is not something everyone believes in. But in Italy this perspective on life is as normal as the sun rising. It is one in which history, religion, death and mystery all happily merge into one. Here, new author Ingrid Everts-van Wouderberg from Rome lifts the veil on this age-old way of seeing life.

There’s space for everything: The meaning of happiness in Japan

Different religious perspectives, life, death, and the afterlife: There’s room for everything in the Japanese perspective on happiness. Above all, says Japan expert Carmen Rucci from Italy, there is room for joy. And so, this is Carmen’s story.